Working with Francoise Stovall and Fresh Eyes Digital, we developed a digital campaign and advocacy push to get folks to care about their digital privacy and security.
- Could period tracker data be a risk post-Roe?
- Could googling about trans health care in Texas lead to child abuse charges? What about critical race theory? Abortion pills?
- Could location data limit your ability to protest? Place you at the site of a protest?
We were looking to educate at the intersection of data privacy and current events while encouraging folks to take action, educate themselves, and donate money so that FreePress could continue to advocate for their digital privacy and security. 
The idea of a "privacy please" hotel door sign was something we explored and ultimately felt would be memorable and had much variety we could play with. 
Following the Roe v Wade outcome, I created additional versioning to make this campaign timely. 

Isolated individual assets, including unique signs, icons, textured backgrounds, and text treatments, and set up a template in Canva that allowed staff to take and create additional iterations and social-sized assets as needed without jumping into Photoshop. 
Early image research/mood board and alternative concepts/directions.

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